Oops! The wrong person in the spotlight?

Oops!wrong, person, spotlight, dil zindagi.com, dil, zindagi

what do you think feminism is? Is it something related to women or women's rights? Yes, it strongly relates to women's rights but not in the wrong way. Why I am saying this because since the day the word feminism has come into existence since then more than 60% of people have misunderstood it or either had made a wrong use of it. 

Now let me tell you what exactly feminism is and what exactly it means.

In simple words, feminism is all about both genders having equality of rights and opportunities. It is something that aims at fighting for equal rights for women as men. It is about respecting women's abilities the same as men's. 

I am also a feminist, I support all women for their equal roles and rights. But I don't support women when they take advantage of this term feminism for granted. I just fight for equal roles and rights for women. But at times just because of those who take the wrong use of feminism, people misunderstand it they think all feminists are like this, making wrong use of it. 

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This is the only reason why the term "Fake Feminism" has come into existence. What fake feminism is?  It is nothing but refers to taking undue advantage of the term feminism. It is something like showing that men have done something wrong with a woman, but exactly that is not the case. They wrongly create that scenario. Recently, I have heard of many cases of fake feminism and those were really shocking. The most common and most spread case was of the Zomato boy where a girl showed that a Zomato delivery guy has beaten her and harassed her and the outcome of which that guy lost his job and was beaten a lot by the people. This is a clear-cut case of feminism, where injustice has been done with that Zomato delivery guy. 

Also, feminism doesn't mean those who are undeserving must get that opportunity. We feminists fight for those who actually are deserving. Like if we take an example of an army or a police job where many times a woman/girl gets discriminated against or rejected just because she is a woman or a girl and they are not strong enough without even testing her strengths and abilities. That is something where we feminists come into existence. 

Whether it is a man or a woman, I was a feminist and would support them if something wrong happened to them. I will never support a man or a woman where they would be wrong. This term feminism came into existence in our country, despite equal rights being defined for women but they are not given the same whether it would be in case of education, job, or anything. For a long time in our country, women/girls are facing discrimination. 

There are many cases of fake feminism, but the thing is they are wrongly understood no one tries to go in-depth about what actually happened and who is the real culprit. For everyone, the reality is what is shown to them whether is true or not. This is the only reason why people misunderstood feminists and think that we are supporting even the wrong people. But that's not true and that is the reason why I am here to clarify your point that we / feminists are not wrong, we are just misunderstood because of some false cases.

Support/stand for equal roles and rights for men and women both, raise your voice if something wrong is happening with a man or a woman, help them, support them.

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Author: Anushka Aggarwal.

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