Ways to get out of stress zone.

stress zone, stress, get rid of stress, dil zindagi, dil zindagi.com

You’ve had a hard day; things have happened at every turn that made you think “I’m going back to bed to restart the day. Maybe I won’t emerge ’til tomorrow.” Of course, you soldier on. But, stressed to the edge of sanity, your patience wears thin. You continue your day with that weight upon your shoulders, chugging expensive coffees and praying for the day to be over already.

Stress like this needs to be avoided. Not only is it a rotten way to live, but it’s also detrimental to your health. It can lead to headaches, depression, and more. Thankfully, there are so many affordable, or even free, solutions out there to help you ease the tension.

1. Take Your Pooch for a Walk :

Walking is a great way to relieve stress. And if you own a dog, it’s a good excuse to get your mutt out of the house to keep you company. If your dog is on the “chubby” side, you’ll be doing your best friend a favor, too. And they’ll thank you for it. It’s far better than the alternative — sitting on the sofa loading up on ice cream while your dog does circles on the linoleum.

2. Use YouTube to Learn a New Skill :

Self-improvement makes us feel good. It’s also one of the easiest ways to improve self-esteem. YouTube has hundreds of how-to videos on almost every skill or hobby you can imagine (and even some you can’t). From learning a musical instrument to crocheting, photography, model-making, or even pottery, you’ll find simple, free instructions online. Other sources include Instructables.com, WikiHow, HowCast, and VideoJug.

3. Declutter Your Home :

This is a twofer. Not only is decluttering a good way to take your mind off other things, but the end result also leaves you feeling less stressed. Most people hate mess, even if they can live with it. So, grab yourself two plastic shopping bags each day, one labeled Trash and the other Donate. Walk around your home and fill them up. The clearer your surfaces, the clearer your mind. This brings us to number four.

Also Read : Declutter To Improve Your Life.

4. Meditate :

It’s not new-age silliness or a passing fad. It’s not religious. It’s all about self; a spiritual thing that comes from within. We’ve all heard of meditation and know it’s supposed to relieve stress by reconnecting with the present moment and our inner being. If you’re unclear about that, you’ll know soon. And you’ll find plenty of free instruction videos online, including mantras, plus background music if you need a more calming environment.

Remember, this takes practice. It’s actually quite hard to sit, clear your thoughts, and return to the center. But, it gets easier with time. And by clearing your thoughts, and focusing on your body, you’re giving yourself some of the best free medicine there is.

5. Get Everything Down on Paper :

Or a whiteboard. Or a tablet. Just choose an outlet for your thoughts and exorcise them. Maybe you are feeling a higher sense of stress than your situation should allow. Quite often, you can become overwhelmed by things that, in retrospect, aren’t that stressful after all. It can help to sort your thoughts instead of going over and over them in your head again. Get them out, get them on paper, and get on with your day.

6. Talk to Someone :

Whether it’s a friend, a doctor, or a therapist, don’t be afraid to seek help. If you’re not sure why you’re stressed, visiting a doctor could be an especially good move — your stress may be related to a physical condition or another kind of imbalance.

7. Take Photos :

If you have a Facebook account of your own, or if you visit Instagram or Tumblr, you’ll realize that pictures are a wonderful focus on the good things about people’s lives. After all, how many people post pictures of themselves looking sad and lonely?

So, adopt this “positive photos” way of life. Soon, you will look at your Facebook or Instagram feed and think, “Hey, I’m doing great!” What’s more, if you make a conscious effort to take photos, you’ll start focusing on great things to photograph. You’ll look for the good in everyday life, and find those needles in the haystack. Even when it all looks gloomy, there’s a beautiful image to capture.

8. Pet Your Pet :

There is scientific evidence that human beings feel less stressed when they are petting a dog, cat, or other animal. Dogs are used to help rehabilitate wounded soldiers, relieve stress in students, and even make dangerous prisoners feel more at ease. 

If you own a pet, give your companion a little extra love and they’ll return it in spades. If you don’t, pay a visit to an animal rescue center. You can visit with dogs, cats, and other animals, walk them, pet them, and give them some much-needed care. It’s a win-win situation. You may even find a new friend to bring home.

9. Clean Your Bathroom :

Really? Well, it’s not pleasant. If it’s anything like the bathrooms in my house, where two kids destroy anything they touch, it’s more like cleaning up a war zone. BUT, there are a few benefits to this. First, it’s a tough job. 

You’re scrubbing, wiping, getting up and down, sometimes on your hands and knees. You don’t have much time to think. Put some tunes on and crank them up. When you’re done, you’ll feel better about the clean bathroom, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something.

10. Listen to Music From Memory Lane :

We all have music that transports us back to a time or place when things were so much easier (or at least, they seemed easier). For some of us, it’s high school. For others, our days being single and carefree, clubbing it, and being completely irresponsible. 

Well, music can actually make you feel those emotions again. Put on some of those classic tunes from times when stress was not in the picture. You’ll even start smelling things from times gone by.

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Stay healthy and love yourself…

stress zone go away

Author: Arun Rajput.

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